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武汉翻译公司关键字:First, the agricultural industrialization and modern agriculture are two different concepts, to achieve the industrialization of agriculture is not equal to the modern agriculture. At present, China's agricultural industry of the content, organization, management system is very imperfect, can not be said to achieve the industrialization of agriculture; even the industrialization of agriculture, and also from the modern agriculture is still some way to go long or short .Second, the industrialization of agriculture is an important way towards modern agriculture, modern agriculture, the kind that were re-development of the industrialization of agriculture industrialization naturally or when the view is wrong. We emphasize that the industrialization of agriculture in traditional agriculture to modern agriculture transition, is to guide people in the agriculture industry practice, we can not wait wait, that conditions are not ripe, but not the herd instinct, in violation of objective laws.Third, in the implementation of the industrialization of agriculture, we must attach importance to agricultural production and commercialization of agriculture in promoting specialization, social role. If the planned economy, the division of labor and specialization of agricultural self-developed semi-subsistence agriculture is preserved condition, then the market economy system, subordinate to the original cottage industry of agriculture, sideline, within the agricultural industry (such as planting grain industry, aquaculture industry, pigs, cattle, sheep, poultry) eleven separated into a new independent agricultural sectors, it is to improve the rate of agricultural products and the key level of socialization. And professional and social level continues to improve, a division of the original products, are now often done by several departments. Agriculture, for example, division of labor and professional development, "small" for large and specialized agriculture must be replaced, to received from many kinds of production processes gradually become specialized departments, such as a seed breeding company, the company harvested a harvest processing of agricultural products marketing professional departments, farmers do not need to be completed. The more developed the specialized production, the joint collaboration between the professional sector demands more urgent, for the agricultural industry, which created the conditions.