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阿坝翻译公司专业项目团队真诚服务阿坝州、马尔康县、汶川县、理县、茂县、松潘县、九寨沟县、金川县、小金县、黑水县 、壤塘县、阿坝县、若尔盖县、红原县
阿坝翻译公司关键字:large stock of knowledge that only people with the network technology, in order to quickly and achieve a very low cost, target information, greatly reducing the cost of the national economy and defense industrial structure transformation of the transformation of industrial structure difficult. ③ The value of innovation. Network to achieve a global knowledge economy and information sharing. However, the network economy is not that technological innovation, technological innovation, its core is in an open condition, the path through the information for innovation, creative thinking in the information to support quick results. Internet era, the defense industry to accelerate the pace of structural optimization is to highlight the central role of information technology, information industry to increase the impact of the defense industrial structure and role of the defense industry composition and structure of the network era of economic, technical requirements consistent with the goal of effective supply of high-tech war to adapt.3 optimized structure of the measures of national defense industry growthIn recent years, China's comprehensive national strength steadily, increasing international influence, the international security environment has become more favorable for us, around the topic of China's peaceful rise more and more people's attention. At the same time, success and prosperity in this series of behind the scenes, we should clearly see that the new century to the complicated and volatile international situation, China's new national security challenges, the growth of defense industries to optimize the structure, improve efficiency and enhance the military defense industry, the ability to compete, our country has become an important problem to be solved. By drawing on Japan, Germany, Brazil and other defense industry, military power development experience, we can optimize the following four aspects to industrial growth of China's national defense structure.3.1 increase investment in high-tech research and development, provide for the defense industry relies on high-techDefense industry is the subject of national defense, is the subject of economic development, economic and defense with a double main characteristics. Therefore, the national defense science and technology is the driving force to promote economic