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阜阳翻译公司关键字:(3) development of technology, expensive and time-consuming, and even technology can not get a period of time, making a period of time "use of resources alternative technologies" as a means to gain a competitive edge. Industry competition and industrial growth not wait, can not wait for the resource-saving technology and then large-scale use of resources. Technological progress depends on the industrial development and capital accumulation, and industrial development and capital accumulation, the need for resource consumption. From this sense, the short-term consumption of resources in the future efficient use of resources.(4) If the consumption of a resource can be depleted before the discovery or invention more economical alternative resources, the use of such resources as possible in order to obtain competitive advantage has become a rational act. Because, anyway, no big users of such resources in the future, as soon as possible to play its current industrial value. Like before the invention of new technology, machinery and equipment to use and quick to accelerate depreciation.Extensive growth despite these historical reasons, but for industrial competitiveness and to pay more resources and environmental costs, after all, industrial development, "the pre-dawn darkness." Humans can not "dark" long wandering. Through "dark" in order to meet the "Dawn." And when the dawn has come when, if we are still obsessed with "dark" era in the economic and technical conditions have been met, or through the efforts already reached, but still uses the waste of resources and damage to the environment the way for industrial production, the industrialization is reactionary.(2) resource-intensive technology and resource conservation technologies more competitiveChina's economy has great balance, not only uneven development between regions and between industries, between different types of business development is very uneven. Therefore, the source of competitiveness is very different. From the historical point of view of industrial development, industrial technology along the whole route from the "resource-intensive environmentally friendly technologies" (hereinafter referred to as "resource-intensive technology") to "protect the environment, resource conservation technologies" (hereinafter referred to as "resource-saving technology" ) to upgrade the direction of the continuous progress. When the resource-intensive technology is a major source of industrial competitiveness, the industrial development in its infancy, and when the resource conservation technologies become a major source of industrial competitiveness, that is resource-intensive resource-saving technology than the technology more competitive, the industrial development into senior stage. A country's industrial system or to an industrial sector to achieve a technology-based resource-intensive to technology-based resources in order to save the changes, which we call "competitive mutations."