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本溪翻译公司关键字: Reform and opening up, with the gradual deepening of China's economic reform, private property rights are becoming increasingly clear, the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 mechanism into play, the traditional plan-based industry cluster model has been government intervention in the type of industrial clustering model replaced by more developed in the private economy the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 mechanism into full play the role of regional, market毕业论文翻译成英语文章-oriented industry cluster model has emerged. A single view of all kinds throughout the country's industrial agglomeration area, three cluster model the formation of industrial agglomeration area in China are widespread. The first type of gathering is planned mode of industrial clustering, mainly based on a number of state-owned enterprises as the core of the traditional industrial clustering. They are implemented in the 1950s, land and resource planning ,60-70's three-line construction and even 80's legacy of regional planning. The second category is the concentration of government support-type mode of industrial clustering, mainly "Zhongguancun" as the representative of a group of high-tech industrial development zone. They are under the guidance of national industrial policy to foster and develop the industrial sector to upgrade and enhance national competitive advantage with leading role in key industries for the purpose of the formation of industrial clustering. The third category is the concentration of market毕业论文翻译成英语文章-oriented mode of industrial clustering, mainly in Wenzhou, Zhejiang and other places as the representative of the private economy is relatively developed areas in the local industry based on the birth of the local characteristics of industrial clusters. This is our Europe and other developed countries and gathering mode closest to the industrial parks. It is noteworthy that, at present all across the country gather under the industrial district model internal corporate innovation is low, there is a great strength of the regional advantages of the gap, how to improve their论文摘要翻译英文 overall level of response to the challenges of global competition, will be placed in a major challenge before us. Through the above model for the growth of China's industrial agglomeration, study the dynamics of the process of evolution, clearly all kinds of industrial parks in China's future development direction. In view of the large regional differences in the actual development with their论文摘要翻译英文 respective comparative advantages of industrial clustering model is a realistic choice. In the path selection, change the location and resources of relying solely on comparative advantage approach, focusing on industrial agglomeration area a competitive advantage in the cultivation; the role of government, the government simply change the past practice of providing incentives, focusing on industrial