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黔南翻译公司关键字:(children, young people) to impart knowledge and skills, develop their ideological and moral qualities, intellectual and physical development of their activities. The basic nature of the primary education lies in its spirit, that is: the object of education is a thinking, personality; education is the process by predecessors accumulated, through the process by the knowledge and skills to the educated, occurrence of mind and body so that翻译公司报价 they were the expected changes in education; educational activities is the result of educated psychosomatic been properly developed, grow into a "social person." Comparing the concept of education and industry, and its basic nature, it is easy to see, there are many fundamental differences between the two. Although the same human activities, the former is the people's culture, which is the object of production. Some people develop the characteristics of the culture, laws, and material production of the production of material characteristics, rules, and perhaps slightly between the two compatible, in common, but I am afraid that when the law should be used on human cultured material production, or production of materials used in the interests of people to develop the law, will not work. Thus, starting from the concept of logical analysis, we believe that the reference to the industrialization of education is not appropriate, that education can become a kind of industrial nature of the activities, education can not become the industry. Therefore, the education of its own laws and its own special meaning, the market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 mechanism can not be rigidly applied to education above the high-profile advocate against the industrialization of education. 2, for the favor of sending the second view: they believe that this theory is derived with a lot of hypothetical nature of the so-called "education market翻译市场行情价格多少钱" is out of the virtual, it does not abide by the law of equivalent exchange of value. Education, access to market翻译市场行情价格多少钱s and to enter the market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 are two different things. Education, industry advocates that the industry is to convert the modern education system; the education needs of the market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 economy; according to market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 economic laws. The first two points we have been trying to do things, and the last point is confusing: the operation of education according to the rules of market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 economy, it should not operate according to the law of