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伊春翻译公司收费合理专业项目团队真诚服务伊春市、伊春区、南岔区、友好区、西林区、翠峦区、新青区、美溪区、金山屯区、五营区、乌马河区、汤旺河区、带岭区、乌伊岭区、红星区 上甘岭区、铁力市、嘉荫县
伊春翻译公司关键字:same feeding, production 450 kg live weight to slaughter cattle take two years, can produce meat, 200 kg (180 kg meat), leather one (3.5-4m2 price of 500 yuan翻译1000字多少元), about 1500 kg of concentrate, grass 12,000 kg, equivalent to 2,800 yuan翻译1000字多少元. Feeding a beef cattle forage feed costs can be kept 5.6 ostrich meat, ostrich meat production of 224 kg (140 kg meat), ostrich 6-7.3 m2. According to "Shaanxi English test," introduced "on behalf of the support system" of information, farmers keep the company on behalf of the 50 ostriches, each will receive a net profit of 2 million yuan翻译1000字多少元. In addition, according to expert estimates, analysis of livestock, ostrich also has the characteristics of water, producing the same amount of meat, ostrich and other animals can be compared with 30-50% water.(C) the technique is simple, easy to learn and will. Ostrich adaptability, disease resistance. 90-day-old seedlings need artificial heat before the ostrich, a bird more than 90 days to adapt to minus 45 ℃ to 30 ℃ environment. 10-year study by the cable model, the domestic basic grasp of the ostrich breeding and farming techniques. Insulation brood, feed, disease prevention is a major ostrich farming techniques. Which insulation is critical brood. "Shaanxi English test," and keep farmers on behalf of the combination, the use of traditional rural kang heating, developed the "kang Greenhouse" brood technology, one stroke ostrich brood survival rate of 95% or more, than the international average by 10 percentage points. This may be the development of the ostrich industry in rural areas of northern China, a major technological advantage. Ostrich farming techniques easy to learn. "Shaanxi English test" on behalf of raising ostrich farming households can successfully master the technical essentials.(D) labor-intensive, for the northern rural development. Ostrich and pig and chicken and sheep, as are labor-intensive industries. From the practical experience, keeping the labor force each household two ostrich 50, each nearly 1,000 yuan翻译1000字多少元 monthly income of labor. For poor farmers in the north it is a tempting revenue. This expansion of rural employment, a new way to get rich farmers. Some large ostrich raising, hiring migrant workers 3-4, the monthly salary of $ 300-450 (for the labor-deficit countries ostrich breeding is concerned, beyond the reach). Data that China's Yellow River north latitude 35-45 degrees area is suitable for ostrich farming area, annual precipitation is low, sandy wasteland area, abundant labor