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阿坝翻译公司收费合理专业项目团队真诚服务阿坝州、马尔康县、汶川县、理县、茂县、松潘县、九寨沟县、金川县、小金县、黑水县 、壤塘县、阿坝县、若尔盖县、红原县
阿坝翻译公司关键字:American economist, Nobel laureate Schultz has a well-known conclusion, meaning that: do not add a new case of factors of production, farmers elements of the traditional family-run configuration to achieve a balanced state, the elements of configuration the highest efficiency. Transformation of traditional agriculture, the key is to introduce a new factor of production, such as the introduction of new technology, knowledge, capital, etc., to break the balance, the balance in the establishment of a higher level. This conclusion is also on the farmers to get rich has a certain significance. Sub-industry division of China's serious shortage in rural areas, most farmers operate similar structure, exhaustive, thousands of people face, 10 000 by one. Farmers to get rich, bound to and "self-sufficient, small" means small-break, break the shackles of low-level equilibrium, induced institutional change needs to go the path of non-equilibrium in the economy and create wealth. To the self-destructive way to seek a new life in the past. To exceed, as an invaluable. To take advantage of the market翻译市场行情价格多少钱 economy mechanism, bold introduction of new varieties, new technology, new agronomy and new production and management, efforts to create wealth to a new level. To do their bit to achieve, the best use of the expertise and resources.Method One: Labour incremental method.The so-called incremental method of labor, that is, the same amount of physical capital and human capital cases, through focused, labor-intensive production projects focus on developing and expanding the amount of labor input, so that翻译公司报价 idle labor come in handy, and create wealth. China's farmers have a rich tradition of hard work. Invest more in production the amount of labor, farmers are able to do it. Such as horticulture, vegetable industry, livestock industry, in general than wheat, corn, canola and other crops production to spend more labor. Thus, horticulture, vegetable, animal husbandry is labor-intensive agriculture industry. Through the expansion of labor-intensive industries can better avoid the restrictions on the size of land to play the comparative advantage of abundant labor resources. Of course, the labor-intensive industry also requires a certain technique, you need to implement base, contiguous development focused in order to save transaction costs, increasing labor rate of return.Method two: land acquisition law. Annexation of land mentioned here, does not mean the annexation of land ownership. But in a stable household contract management system under the premise of land use right through to the farming experts to focus on to achieve the annexation of land use rights (that is, the land use right transfer, maybe one day there are land ownership in China merger to happen). In the same amount of technical input