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湘潭翻译公司关键字:Smith in "Wealth of Nations" on the opening mentioned, the amount of national wealth of a country有资质的正规翻译公司哪个好 to engage in useful work depends on the proportion of high and low. This is not enough but, more importantly, these people actually engaged in useful labor in what level of effort into their work. The reason why the efficiency of the market economy is superior to the planned economy, is that the former can provide some incentives to make people's income and its closely related to the level of effort, this is the result of pay required by the community. Already pointed out, the main source behind the west in its reform and opening up the eastern region lags behind. However, people (including the western provinces of the government政府许可的定点正规翻译公司) does not have a clear understanding of this. Published in the western provinces and autonomous regions in the development strategy, the reform and opening up has not been seen out in the first place, given the market a clear example of programs and processes. Individual provinces and cities for a number of government政府许可的定点正规翻译公司 reform, of course, repealed and modified some inappropriate policy专业翻译公司收费价格 provisions and regulations, but these measures are used to attract foreign sounding name. Why can Yigai preferential treatment of foreign and domestic, and local capital will have to suffer discrimination? It had semi-reminiscent of the late Qing Dynasty in Xiamen, in the shop more than 50 firms, only one name of the GuoZiHao the rest registered abroad, most of which is "hanging sheep's head of" fake foreigners. If shame is the "Treaty of Shimonoseki," signed after the Japanese direct investment in China has made the right factories, Zhang Jian, who probably can not find a reason to set up spinning. While attracting foreign investment through tax incentives and other policies to increase local economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 output, but the resulting distortions in resource allocation and inefficient enterprises to enter the welfare losses caused, have to be borne by the people (left big Pei, 2000). We support a strong spillover of high-tech companies to give preferential treatment to some extent, but on the inside and outside the enterprise but also in the benefit of equality. In addition, in order to attract foreign investment, among provinces could start World War II tax cuts, resulting in loss of tax revenue and widen fiscal deficits. In this regard, development of backward areas of the Brazilian experience and lessons worth learning. Therefore, the reform and opening up to understand how to attract major foreign investment, and narrow is a useless concept. How to speed up the development of the western provinces and autonomous regions in the process of reform and opening up the market, you need to do the following: First, the government政府许可的定点正规翻译公司 gradually relaxed and eventually get rid of unnecessary force with a variety of constraints, to fully protect the people's consumption, career, production, trade, housing, investment, free exercise of the right. Second, try to control and gradually reduce the size of local government政府许可的定点正规翻译公司s, agencies and departments regularly review and timely access to reduce its powers, if necessary, can be combined, the abolition of fact has hindered economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 development agencies and departments; the same time, minimize, until abolished for a variety of business专业英语翻译公司科技文件翻译哪里最好 and fees assessed. Third, and gradually get rid of the original monopoly industries or sectors of institutional barriers to entry, allowing different forms of business专业英语翻译公司科技文件翻译哪里最好 ownership, equal participation in resource development, access to telecommunications, electricity, finance, railways and other industries; shorten the registration of business专业英语翻译公司科技文件翻译哪里最好 start-up time, reduce the cost of entry.